The breed of the cannabis plant, autoflower, got the name due to the plant’s nature of being able to initiate the flowering stage automatically, once the plant attains a certain age, in addition to the amount of sunlight obtained in that course of its life. In other words, the plant automatically starts flowering within 2 to 4 weeks of attaining the vegetative state. Most plants require a set amount of sunlight and darkness to reach this flowering stage.
Certain biologists or botanists attribute this character of auto-flowering to be a quality of the “ruderalis” genes present in this breed of cannabis.
These auto-flowering cannabis are easy to grow with efficient yields that are ready to be harvested within 10 weeks of initiating the flowering phase. To grow these cannabis strains indoors, one must ensure that the plants get a minimum of 18 hours of sunlight a day. Cultivating autoflower cannabis indoors ensures that the plant is harvested any time of the year. Growing these strains outdoor would be appropriate between Spring to Autumn as the natural sunlight is maximum during these months of the year.
Some well known autoflowering breeds of cannabis are Easy Bud, Northern Light Automatic, Royal Bluematic, etc.
The biggest advantage of autoflowering cannabis plants is that they have the ability to provide multiple harvests within a particular season. Additionally, they can grow in extreme conditions.
There is, however, an assumption that autoflowering cannabis are not as potent as other cannabis strains available in the market. However, it is advisable to learn more about these strains from the link
Before beginning to use these for health effects, kindly consult a physician, as certain strains are useful in certain health conditions and to know what’s right, a proper consultation is the best.
What are cannabis strains? They are either pure or hybrid varieties of the plant genus cannabis, which includes the species C. sativa, C. indica, and C. ruderalis. To learn more, check out‘s directory of marijuana strains.