Since Michigan’s medical marijuana laws have regularly changed on both the state and city level, it can be hard to keep track of what’s legal and what’s not. While medical marijuana is legal in Michigan, you must sign up for the state MMJ program before you can buy or use any. We’ll summarize the registration process for you and help you find a doctor to recommend you MMJ.
LARA (Licensing and Regulatory Affairs) takes care of medical cannabis sign-ups in Michigan. They offer a comprehensive application that outlines everything you need to submit to join the program.
The first form included in LARA’s packet is a request for a medical marijuana ID. You will need to write in basic information about yourself, like your full legal name and address. If you need a caregiver to grow marijuana plants for you, they must fill out the second half of the paper, and you must pay $25 in addition to the $60 registration fee.
Your doctor will fill out the second part, which is the physician certification form. They’ll verify that they’re licensed to practice in Michigan and confirm that you have a qualifying illness. Michigan law considers the following conditions valid for MMJ treatment:
It will also count illnesses with symptoms like:
In exceptional cases, an illness approved by the state’s MMJ panel can also qualify you.
When you send the required documents in, make sure that the patient and doctor forms are unaltered, original copies — no white-out or other changes! You must also include a copy of a Michigan ID or another form of ID accompanied by a Michigan voter registration card. Put it all in a single envelope with your payment of $60 (patient-only) or $85 (patient and caregiver).
The availability of medical marijuana dispensaries varies from city to city, but Dearborn does have some in the area. At the end of 2017, cities will decide how they want to license MMJ businesses, so this may change in the future.
If you’re looking for a doctor to fill out your authorization form, you might not have to look far — any doctor licensed by the state can do it. What gets tricky is whether your doctor thinks MMJ is a valid treatment or not. If they don’t or you’re uncomfortable asking your current doctor, use our physician directory to look for supportive physicians.