Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana Deliveries in NY

Marijuana Doctors

by Marijuana Doctors

March 13, 2017 01:09 pm ET Estimated Read Time: 15 Minutes
Medical Marijuana Deliveries in NY

Looking for marijuana delivery in New York? You’re in luck! With a New York Health Department-approved home delivery program taking effect, soon enough you’ll be able to get marijuana home delivery right at your doorstep.

Just imagine the convenience of being able to get your medical weed delivered to your home instead of having to travel to get it. Many patients are too sick to travel and find it very challenging to obtain their medical marijuana. With medical marijuana home delivery, you won’t have to struggle to obtain your medical cannabis.

The Benefits of Medical Marijuana

Marijuana has been confirmed by scientists to help with a number of health conditions in some surprising ways. These include controlling epileptic seizures and fighting glaucoma, easing multiple sclerosis, preventing the spread of cancer and much more.

Marijuana extracts have been shown by recent animal studies to help reduce the size of some types of cancer and even kill certain cancer cells

Marijuana extracts have been shown by recent animal studies to help reduce the size of some types of cancer and even kill certain cancer cells. In fact, one particular cell culture study produced evidence that whole-plant marijuana purified extracts can actually slow down cancer cell growth in various severe types of brain tumors. Clinical trials done on mice showed that purified CBD and THC extracts helped to increase the effectiveness of radiation in cancer treatment.

In addition to this, other clinical trials are being conducted by scientists on the effectiveness of weed extracts in treating a number of other conditions and diseases, such as:

As the years go by, scientists are finding more usefulness to medical weed for treating various health conditions, from treating chronic pain associated with various conditions to helping tone down inflammation. To date, medical marijuana has been recommended to help treat more than 250 conditions.

Medical marijuana has been recommended to help treat more than 250 conditions

Now, you can get your medical cannabis right at your doorstep. If you have a qualifying medical condition and obtain a doctor’s certification, you may be approved for the medical marijuana program and even have it delivered to your home.

Introducing Marijuana Delivery in New York

The New York State Legislature and Governor Andrew M. Cuomo enacted the Compassionate Care Act in July 2014 in an effort to provide a safe, comprehensive and effective program for medical marijuana. Certified patients who have certain serious health conditions will be able to get the medical grass they need through a controlled method that is dispensed and administered to them in a safe manner.

The Health Department has indicated that by implementing New York’s medical marijuana program, they were taking another step toward meeting the needs of patients who had severe health conditions and couldn’t leave their homes to obtain the needed medical marijuana products.

There are 13,389 certified patients and 849 practitioners registered in the New York State Medical Marijuana Program as of February 7, 2017

There are 13,389 certified patients and 849 practitioners registered in the New York State Medical Marijuana Program as of February 7, 2017.

A Brief History of Marijuana Dispensaries and Delivery

Spread across 28 states where ganja has been legalized, there are thousands of licensed weed dispensaries. In states where recreational marijuana is legal, all you need is the internet, a green card and cash to have your pot order delivered.

In earlier times during the MMJ “green rush,” just about anyone who had a pot hookup and a heartbeat could open a dispensary. Therefore, even though there were legitimate shops where you could get your medical marijuana, there were also a number of dishonorable weed shops opening up all over sketchy neighborhoods.

Since then, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has cracked down on shops like these, particularly in Los Angeles and San Francisco, through the Prop D enactment in LA. A series of crackdowns occurred last year that closed down shops and punished the landlords that were not licensed properly or had shops that were too close to schools, day care centers, libraries or other prohibited structures.

Because of this, dispensary owners ended up with piles of weed and no shops to sell it in. This gave them the idea of taking their pot businesses on the road and going mobile, which directly led to the surge in ganja delivery services.

What Is the Medical Marijuana Program?

Now, through the NY State Medical Marijuana Program, patients suffering with debilitating and severe health conditions who become certified by their doctors are able to receive weed for medical use.

In order to certify patients, the physicians have to complete a four-hour department course approved by the by State Department of Health and register with the state

In order to certify patients, the physicians have to complete a four-hour department course approved by the NY State Department of Health and register with the Department. And, before they can issue certifications to patients for medical pot, they have to confer with the NY State Prescription Monitoring Program Registry.

Once you become certified by your doctor, in order to get your doctor-recommended medical marijuana, you have to get a registry identification card by applying to the Department. You’re allowed to appoint up to two caregivers who will also have to register if they wish to receive and/or administer medical weed products on your behalf.

How Marijuana Delivery Services in New York Work

Now that you know this, let’s explore how marijuana delivery services work. Once you have become certified, you can get your medical pot products from any registered New York State organization dispensing facility by applying and registering for the Medical Marijuana Program online.

To start the registration process, as mentioned, you first have to have a physician certify you to use marijuana for medical purposes. This physician also needs to be registered with the program and must have taken the online course.

After you get certified, you then apply online to register with the Department and wait for your registry ID card to come in the mail. Each time you use a dispensing facility to purchase your medical weed, you have to show this ID card.

Each time you use a dispensing facility to purchase your medical weed, you have to show your registry ID card

Up to five applicants will be registered by the Commissioner as registered organizations for dispensing marijuana in New York State. The registrations the Department issues are valid for a couple years.

Initially, each registered organization can manufacture up to five brands of medical cannabis with the Department’s prior approval. One of these brands must be a high CBD (cannabidiol) content and low THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) content product. In addition, at least one brand must have nearly equal amounts of CBD and THC. In its final form, each brand needs to obtain a consistent cannabinoid profile.

These organizations are only allowed to dispense medical weed products in Commissioner-approved forms, which include:

  • Liquids
  • Sublingual administration (under the tongue)
  • Oral oil preparations
  • Oral capsule administration
  • Tube administration
  • Vaporization oil preparations
  • Metered liquids

Under the Compassionate Care Act, smoking medical marijuana is not allowed and is not considered a certified medical use. In addition, these organizations are only allowed to dispense a 30-day supply of medical hash at a time and they need to take any doctor’s limitations or recommendations into account. Furthermore, all marijuana products must be manufactured indoors in a secure, enclosed New York State facility. Greenhouses are included.

Each final medical pot product needs to go through independent laboratory testing to ensure product consistency and to look for contaminants. Until the New York State Environmental Laboratory Approval Program (ELAP) certifies the independent laboratories, testing and analysis will be performed by the Department’s Wadsworth Center Laboratory.

A registered organization can only have up to four facilities for dispensing

A registered organization can only have up to four facilities for dispensing, which need to be operated and owned by the organization that registered for the act of dispensing the approved medical marijuana products to patients or designated caregivers who are certified and Department-registered.

All dispensing data must be reported by dispensing facilities to the New York State Prescription Monitoring Program Registry. Before they can dispense the approved medical pot to certified patients or certified caregivers appointed on behalf of the patients, they need to consult with the registry.

Benefits of Marijuana Home Delivery

Residents in Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island, Bronx, Staten Island and other upstate areas of New York are becoming increasingly expectant of home delivery. In an attempt to meet and exceed the expectations of patients, organizations are planning on leveraging this type of service.

Local officials and advocates have been praising home delivery for a long time now as a way of giving ill patients better access to the program and to serve them better when they’re unable to travel. Therefore, when you’re homebound, registered organizations can better serve you through their home delivery service.

Take, for example, Missy Miller, a resident of Atlantic Beach. She has a 16-year-old son with epilepsy and having to travel to a dispensary was a huge ordeal for her. Therefore, she sees tremendous value in a home delivery program and thinks it would be a huge benefit for people like her.

And, since many New York dispensaries are spread so thin, many patients who need the right medicine have to travel hours to get it. For instance, 44-year-old Buffalo resident Lisa Valle claimed she would have to travel over six hours to get medicine for Maya, her neuropathic 9-year-old daughter.

Along with the benefits of not having to travel, you’re also ensured the safety and security of your medication with numerous measures being taken. Furthermore, with some registered organizations, medical marijuana packages will be delivered by a minimum of two employees who will show up in a company-owned vehicle equipped with a GPS tracking device and other safety devices.

Not only will health organizations be able to improve on their current services with medical home delivery, but they will now also be able to get much-needed medical weed to those patients who really need it but can’t travel for it. Not to mention, there has been a recent movement to allow doctors’ assistants and nurses to certify patients for medical marijuana, in addition to telemedicine services. Further, chronic pain has been added to the approved health condition list to justify this treatment.

Here’s a recap on the benefits of medical marijuana deliveries:

  • No need for patients to travel
  • Better service
  • Secure and safe
  • New health conditions being added to the list for marijuana treatment
  • Certification by doctors’ assistants and nurses
  • Medical marijuana telemedicine services

New York is just one of the five states (including Connecticut, California, Massachusetts and Maine) that don’t require you to physically walk into a doctor’s office and get an examination to build that patient-physician relationship. Now, you can benefit from medical marijuana telemedicine services in NY.

New York is just one of the five states that don't require you to physically walk into a doctor's office to build that patient-physician relationship

Where Are Medical Marijuana Deliveries Legal?

Currently, there are five companies in New York that are licensed to plant, manufacture and dispense medical pot that have been given the approval by the New York State Department of Health to begin home delivery of the Medical Marijuana Program. The five registered organizations for dispensing marijuana include:

  • Etain, LLC
  • Vireo Health of New York, LLC
  • Bloomfield Industries, Inc.
  • PharmaCannis, LLC
  • Columbia Care NY, LLC

Bloomfield Industries, Inc., PharmaCann, LLC and Vireo Health of New York, LLC have locations in Queens and/or the Bronx.

There are 5 organizations in New York that provide over 13,000 certified patients with severe illnesses access to medical weed

These organizations are convenient and provide the over 13,000 certified patients with severe illnesses access to medical weed from the organization’s greenhouse straight to the patient’s door. There is a team of pharmacists, doctors and security experts in place to serve homebound patients who have debilitating and life-threatening diseases.

Marijuana delivery in New York City, Westchester County and Long Island will begin within the first half of 2017. If you’re suffering from a debilitating disease such as cancer, ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease, once approved, you’ll be able to receive your medical ganja treatment right at your doorstep.

What You Need to Know About Medical Marijuana Delivery

With that said, there are some things to take into consideration when registering for this service.

You’re typically eligible for medical weed treatment if you have received a diagnosis of a specific, serious or life-threatening condition that co-occurs with a complicating or associated condition, such as:

  • Cancer
  • Epilepsy
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
  • Huntington’s Disease
  • Spinal cord injury with spasticity
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Neuropathy
  • Inflammatory bowel disease

The complicating or associated conditions include chronic or severe pain, cachexia or wasting syndrome, seizures, severe nausea and persistent or severe muscle spasms. More conditions could be added to this list by the Commissioner.

For Minors

If you’re under 18 years old and are trying to apply for a registry ID card, or if you’re not able to consent to medical treatment, an appropriate person who is at least 21 years old needs to apply for you. At least one caregiver must be designated for the applicant, and they must be:

  • Your parent or legal guardian
  • Someone your parent or legal guardian designated
  • A Department-approved appropriate person after sufficient evidence has been shown that there is no parent or legal guardian

For Caregivers

If you’re a caregiver, first you need to be designated as the caregiver by the certified and registered patient during the patient registration process. After the patient’s registration has been approved, you may then register. If needed, the patient will be furnished information on how you can register. In order to register as a designated caregiver with the Department, you need to be a New York State resident and hold a New York State ID card (non-driver) or a valid New York State Driver’s License.

There is a $50 non-refundable application fee to register, which is billed to you. If you’re experiencing financial hardship, this fee may be waived or at least reduced by the Department. If you’re seeking a waiver because of financial hardship, you will need to prove that you qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicaid or Social Security Disability Income (SSDI).

Both the certified patient and the caregiver who is seeking a waiver and attempting to use other types of documentation will need to contact the Department of Health to find out if this documentation is sufficient enough to prove financial hardship.

How to Get Medical Marijuana Delivered

As mentioned, you have to be certified by a physician to use marijuana medically before you can register for medical marijuana deliveries in NY. Fortunately, you can now select and see a weed doctor online to obtain a medical marijuana evaluation in New York through the use of marijuana telemedicine services.

There are a couple of things you can do if you’re living in New York and are certified as a medical weed patient. These include:

  • Receiving your medical marijuana evaluation by visiting the doctor in person at their office.
  • Accessing the telemedicine portal to see the weed physician directly online.

In fact, New York’s legislature passed laws on December 29, 2014 that required state health employee plans, New York Medicaid and private payers to acknowledge and reimburse online telemedicine portal services the same way they would in-person healthcare visits.

If you’re wondering how to get access to medical marijuana telemedicine services in NY, you don’t need to look any further than MarijuanaDoctors.com. Through our telemedicine portal, you can find and book appointments with cannabis doctors online to get your approval and medical recommendation for medical weed and to schedule your telemedicine visit for your first-time consultation with producers and dispensaries.

You’ll still get screened by a physician as you would with an in-person visit and your medical records will be integrated into the doctor recommendation process, which includes putting your name in the New York Department of Health’s website. From here, you’ll be able to set up your initial patient consultation and then choose a producer.

Having the ability to choose a doctor, select a producer and speak to a dispensary pharmacist all through telemedicine services is huge. Combine this functionality with home medical marijuana delivery in NY from reliable dispensaries and you’ll experience the ease and convenience of getting your medical weed at home when traveling is not an option.

A dispensary pharmacist can explain your medication to you and answer any questions

A dispensary pharmacist can explain your medication to you and answer any questions. Your available menu options and product descriptions will be discussed during your consultation. The producers will send your recommending doctor the details and necessary formulations so they can update the NY State Department of Health’s website with their recommendations and the length of time their recommendation is valid.

Then, after the Department of Health’s systems are updated by your recommending doctor, the producer and you will get a return email, which will allow you to set up an appointment to either go to a local location to pick up your medical weed or have it home delivered to your doorstep.

Here at MarijuanaDoctors.com, we make it easy to connect you with a recommending doctor and essentially create a one-stop shop for all of your medical weed needs, all through the comfort of your home without having to travel.

How to Get Started With Marijuana Delivery in New York

To get started setting up your medical marijuana delivery in New York, you can search our dispensary map for New York to locate a local dispensary. This map can help you find all the dispensaries in your city that have medical pot products, such as concentrates, edibles, CBD and other products containing medical marijuana.

Go ahead and set up your telehealth appointment and consult with a doctor through live video conferencing right in the privacy of your own home to begin the medical marijuana home delivery service today.

We all know the importance of getting the proper medication for any health condition. Medical marijuana is no different and has many benefits. Now, you can add home delivery services of medical weed to this list of benefits.

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