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The Federal Government announced that it would withdraw health grants for schools that support MMJ for its students. The ongoing disparity between State and Federal laws regarding medical cannabis has created a negative outcome for students. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health S Read More
Find a Marijuana Doctor Near You Welcome to the Sunshine State! Did you know that Florida is one of the only States in America where 19% of residents and seasonal residents are over the age of 60? The sun, the sand, the ocean, and the perfect place to spend cold winter months… p Read More
Many patients with qualifying health conditions who would like to explore the alternative therapeutic use of medical cannabis are deterred by the methods of delivery available to them. Dispensaries provide tinctures for sublingual uptake, topical creams, ointments, and vaporized cannabin Read More
Approximately 334,000 Florida residents are medical marijuana card holders. The impact of the COVID-19 public health measures could have made accessing medical cannabis more difficult. Was it not for the efforts that have been made by physicians and cannabis dispensaries? Florida Read More
Oklahoma has begun using a marijuana breathalyzer to determine DUI status of drivers who may be high. How did we get here? On June 26, 2018 Oklahoma citizens voted 57% in favor of State Question 788. The legislation carried and medical cannabis became legalized in the State of Oklahoma, e Read More
On Sunday May 17th, the bill to allow medical marijuana patients in the State of Minnesota to purchase whole flower cannabis was stopped. It was an amendment to the health care omnibus bill approved by the House of Representatives that would have removed the current prohibition of whole- Read More
There has been a long drawn out fight in the Florida Legislature, over SB 1860. Also called the "Adult Use" Cannabis Law, it was a series of proposed changes to the medical cannabis industry in Florida that was struck down. If SB 1860 had passed, it would have meant some big chang Read More
How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Florida in 5 Steps — TL;DR: Find out if you qualify for a medical marijuana card in Florida. First, you need to see if you qualify for medical marijuana in FL. There are a number of conditions that are accepted as qualification. Give a me Read More
Where do you turn to when medical cannabis has become part of your daily therapy for pain relief and other health needs? One of the most concerning impacts of COVID-19 in America is how the virus has forced changes that reduce access to healthcare services. We need MMJ as an essential se Read More