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For the remaining states who are still ‘on the fence’ about creating a medical cannabis program for qualified patients, the success story in Oregon may inspire you. Like other jurisdictions that expanded statewide medical marijuana programs, Oregon cannabis sales are getting higher ev Read More
Louisiana recently passed new legislation, which increased accessibility for medical marijuana to qualified patients in the state. Effective June 16th, physicians in Louisiana have the authority to recommend medical cannabis to any patient in their care if they feel that cannabis would b Read More
The state of Iowa has a very restrictive medical cannabis program. How restrictive exactly? The slow growth of the Iowa medical cannabis industry has resulted in the withdraw of two of only five licensed medical dispensaries in the state. Have a Heart Compassionate Care which is Read More
The state of New Jersey has announced a tax cut on medical marijuana products, as the first part of a multi-stage withdraw from taxing medicinal marijuana entirely. This news is welcome but also surprising, as sales of medical cannabis to registered NJ patients increased due to the COVID Read More
Since 2014, Knox Horticulture LLC., (now Fluent) has been following a growth strategy to become a leading medical cannabis dispensary in the state of Florida. With 21 retail locations serving patients in Florida, Fluent—through Cansortium—now operates internationally in Canada and Co Read More
Oklahoma has attracted new residents and entrepreneurs eager to establish opportunities within the state’s new medical cannabis industry. Oklahoma has some of the most investment-friendly policies and reasonable requirements for business owners to become registered as medical marijuana Read More
Record-breaking sales of medical cannabis during the COVID-19 pandemic have become a common occurrence in legalized states. But if we were to ask you to guess the top three highest growth markets for medical cannabis sales, would you include Oklahoma? The Oklahoma Tax Commission r Read More
Wellcana Group, based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is one of only two licensed medical marijuana growers currently supplying dispensaries with wholesale cannabis products. On June 22nd, 2020, the cultivator announced a significant price cut on medical marijuana products sold to nine dispen Read More
In July 2020, Trulieve announced the opening of its 49th medical cannabis dispensary location in Florida. With additional locations in Florida and California, there are now 51 medical marijuana dispensaries in the United States owned and operated by Trulieve. The rapid growth of T Read More
If you are a registered medical cannabis patient that spends any amount of time in Oklahoma City, you may have already visited ElectraLeaf, the downtown dispensary, or "cannabis bodega," in Bricktown. The 250-square-foot space was the entry point for ElectraLeaf to join the Bricktown bus Read More