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Over the past few weeks, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued warnings to several companies that offer products with cannabidiol (CBD), a compound of marijuana. Businesses that received warnings include the cultivators of Charlotte’s Web. Social media played a signific Read More
Patients use Percocet, a pharmaceutical drug, to treat their pain symptoms all the time. But, like other medication, Percocet comes with risks — in this case, severe risks. No wonder so many folks with chronic pain make the switch to medical marijuana! It packs the same punch as Perco Read More
There is no doubt professional football players deal with a lot of pain. Despite their physical conditioning, NFL players push their bodies to perform, sometimes beyond their capabilities. Players often suffer muscle strains and sprains, bumps and bruises or the occasional concussion. Dur Read More
Most folks with a medical marijuana card have to travel outside of their home state from time to time. After all, medical marijuana patients go on work trips, visit loved ones and go on vacation like everyone else. But, since cannabis laws vary from state to state, it can be difficult to d Read More
After an intense workout, sore muscles are a given. Products are available at every drug store and market claiming to help with aching muscles and some work — to a point. Topicals infused with marijuana are assisting patients across the country with issues like inflammation and arthritis Read More
In the United States, we have some seriously confusing marijuana laws. Most of that confusion stems from the federal and state divide between marijuana laws. The federal law and state law say different things about marijuana. Federal law outlaws it, but many states allow cannabis in cer Read More
People who are experiencing chronic pain may go many years before finding relief, jumping from one painkiller to another. The pain can incapacitate at times and can affect all aspects of a patient's life. Everyday simple tasks, like tying your shoes or buttoning your shirt, can be a strugg Read More
For decades, sports athletes — particularly football players — have managed their pain with powerful prescription painkillers, post-game beers and OTC anti-inflammatories. The professional sport's dependence on drugs to manage pain has now caused the Drug Enforcement Administration to Read More
We’re at a turning point in the United States. More than 20 states have legalized medical marijuana use, with that number constantly growing. Many marijuana policies on state and federal levels have evolved as we learn more about medical cannabis, making some legal issues related to weed Read More
In most states with a medical marijuana program, you must undergo a doctor’s examination. The doctor will verify you have a medical condition that your state considers eligible for the program. Even if your state already allows recreational marijuana use, the patient may be under 21 or w Read More