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As two incredibly relaxing things, marijuana and yoga just go together. Both have been proven to have substantial health benefits, so combining them is a way to bring out the best of each. But, aside from using marijuana medically or recreationally and doing yoga at home, there is Read More
When medical marijuana became legal in your state, you probably jumped at the ability to purchase an all-natural medicine that would treat the symptoms of your chronic illness. Unfortunately, that may mean you chose a doctor quickly without doing your research or getting to know them first Read More
When struggling with a medical condition and its unwanted, adverse side effects, you may be wondering which is better — Marinol vs. marijuana. To help you make your decision, we've provided you with a detailed guideline to address any questions you have regarding Marinol and natural can Read More
Medical marijuana treatments are revolutionizing the lives of patients around the world. People with treatment-resistant conditions are living fuller lives, and those suffering from debilitating disorders are pairing cannabis with more conventional medications to get additional relief. If Read More
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has only a few months left to give the green light to a cannabis-based seizure medicine that epileptic patients across the country will be able to access. If approved, these patients will be able to pick up the medication from their pharmacy, just like Read More
The ECS (endocannabinoid system) has been known for almost 30 years. It was characterized in the late 1980s. The mechanisms of action are explained very well in a December 8, 2004 article in Scientific America by Dr. Alger and Nichol. In that article they discuss the endocannabinoid system Read More
In the United States, medical marijuana occupies a grey area both legally and morally. Some states consider it legal, but the federal government doesn’t. While some people consider medical marijuana a legitimate medication, others don’t. If you’re on probation and take medical mari Read More
It would be wonderful if every U.S. state — and the entire world for that matter, would get on the same page regarding the health benefits cannabis has to offer. Until that day arrives, traveling with medical marijuana can be a tricky business – especially since so many jurisdictions h Read More
Everybody reacts differently to medical marijuana. Some people’s bodies easily process the chemicals in the medicine, while others react negatively to them. Ten percent of all cannabis users develop a dependence that impacts a user’s ability to hold down a job, affects their cognitive Read More
The United States is in the middle of a marijuana revolution. But because these changes are still happening, not all laws and attitudes have shifted, creating a confusing gray area. So, how do we handle medical marijuana in our everyday lives? Many folks consider work as a major part of t Read More