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A new study found that CBD may reduce withdrawal symptoms in heavy marijuana users aiming to cut their cannabis consumption, the Daily Mail reported. Researchers at University College London wanted to test whether CBD, or cannabidiol, a key cannabis ingredient that calms but does Read More
Shell shock is a term first coined over a century ago during World War I to describe combat-exposed soldiers’ symptoms--what we now refer to as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD can occur in anyone following a traumatic event. Symptoms will vary among affected individu Read More
Refinery 29, “a modern woman’s destination for how to live a stylish, well-rounded life,” recently reviewed the evidence on the benefits of cannabidiol (CBD) in cancer patients. While the amount of research on cannabis is minimal, there’s even less for CBD. But studies have found Read More
A new study found that 26% of pain patients who were dependent on opioids were able to get off them completely by using medical marijuana. The pilot study, published in the American Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience and conducted by researchers at the University of Toronto, examined Read More
The pain of a chronic condition like arthritis is one of the most common reasons people turn to medical marijuana for relief. Arthritis or chronic pain is a qualifying medical condition for medical marijuana in 36 states. There are two main types of arthritis, both characterized Read More
Clinically depressed people lose the ability to enjoy and engage in life, making even the smallest tasks seem overwhelming. Thankfully, certain strains of cannabis medicine can be very effective in treating both depression and anxiety, an associated condition. Even for people who are not Read More
The Governor of California “begrudgingly” vetoed a bill that would have required certain health care centers, including hospice facilities, to allow terminally ill patients to use medical marijuana on site. Governor Gavin Newsom lamented his decision, which he said he was forced to ma Read More
There’s a lot going on in your noggin. A complex interplay of chemical messengers keeps your brain functioning optimally. But for people with fibromyalgia, a chronic pain disorder of central nervous system processing, the normal flow of these chemicals gets disrupted. Click her Read More
California became the ninth state to allow K-12 students to take medical marijuana in school. The California law requires that a prescription be on file at the school, and that a parent administer the marijuana, which cannot be in smokable or vapable form, according to the Sacramento Bee. Read More
A Maryland farm is the first on the East Coast to successfully grow marijuana outdoors for legal sale, a difficult feat in this humid, variable climate. East Coast growers typically use warehouses and greenhouses, unlike their West Coast counterparts, but growing outdoors in the sun Read More