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After a year of social distancing, you’ve probably thought of every angle to reduce your risks of catching Covid-19. Like Dr. Fauci says, wearing a mask and avoiding crowded places is the first line of defense. Also, we’ve become obsessed with hand sanitizer. Even the Uber drivers hav Read More
Now that the political news has wound down to a soft roar, what else is there to do for entertainment? Around this time last year, we were all under the impression that the Covid-19 virus was going to be gone when the nice weather arrived. Kind of like the flu, which seems to back off by Read More
As more states legalize cannabis, other wellness benefits can be explored. For example, does cannabis help reduce pain, which can enhance sexual performance? Are there any therapeutic benefits to using cannabis to address erectile dysfunction? Many Americans now use marijuana therapeut Read More
There are more than 20,000 species of bees on the planet. Pretty impressive, right? And of all those species, the human race chose one (the honeybee) to domesticate. Farms learned the value of beekeeping for healthy crops. And, of course, delicious antioxidant-rich honey. If you love t Read More
Politics have been really interesting this past year. So has the progress in cannabis legalization. Now, all eyes are on Chuck Schumer. There were so many firsts; it is hard to list them all. But the most important adversity we faced as a country; we are still facing. The impact of l Read More
For some people, cannabis is a therapeutic tool to help manage symptoms. For other people, cannabis is a lifestyle and something that they are passionate about. If you have legal access to marijuana and know a great deal about it, can you turn that interest into a career? There are more c Read More
Long-term storage of cannabis isn’t a problem for most people. You buy what you need from your local medical dispensary. And then you smoke it, or vape it, or eat it. It’s that simple. But in some states where people can now legally grow, storage can be a problem. And you may find you Read More
The pandemic. It has almost been one year since the Novel Covid-19 coronavirus appeared in America. What started as news from China about a flu-like virus was concerning. When the first cases in the United States showed up, we were not prepared. There is a reason why Sati Read More
Regulators in the United Kingdom are proposing a revolutionary idea. They are considering the plausibility of providing cannabis to inmates in Prison. Afron Jones, the North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner called for a study, suggesting it may improve safety. Giving cannabis to in Read More
A historical moment for cannabis legalization happened in December 2020. The Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment, and Expungement Act (MORE Act) passed the U.S. House of Representatives. Leading policymakers had given it a less than 10% chance of passing the House. And w Read More