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Did you know that the two types of medical cannabis that are always in demand are edibles and smokable flower? It is not hard to understand why people enjoy the two methods of intake of botanical cannabis. Edibles are easy to consume, and smokable flower is enjoyable for some. Read More
If you watch VICE, you have probably seen a show or two about cannabis restaurants. They are very few right now across the United States. Federal prohibition and food safety regulations conflict (go figure) and presents a challenge to chefs who want to provide cannabis-infused gourmet mea Read More
A new study was published in the Journal of Cannabis Research that presents some interesting but unsurprising insights. The “Communication between healthcare providers and medical cannabis patients regarding referral and medication substitution” was published by the University of Mich Read More
Kansas has not moved forward on cannabis legalization to join the thirty-six other states that have legalized medical cannabis. Currently, for residents of Kansas, all forms of cannabis are illegal. Only CBD products are authorized for clinical use, to treat health conditions. Like man Read More
Lawmakers in the state of Missouri may leap into a new level of decriminalization and legalization of federally prohibited Schedule 1 drugs. We are not just talking about cannabis either. Missouri would be the third state in America to protect the ‘right to try’ for citizens when it c Read More
Get a Medical Card 100% Online (In Most States!) Having a medical card means some advantages that can make caring for health conditions easier. To qualify for a medical card, there are many steps you have to take. First, you have to have one of the approved diagnosed health co Read More
In Virginia, lawmakers have been busy addressing different aspects of cannabis legalization in the state. In February 2021, the Virginia General Assembly reviewed a number of measures to take legalization of medical cannabis forward. Virginia will be the first Southern state in America t Read More
Life with anxiety can be difficult. And also hard to quantify the daily symptoms because they can vary. First, there are different types of anxiety. Everyone can go through stressful periods where they experience ‘circumstantial’ depression or anxiety. When bad things happen, we’re Read More
Thirty-six states across America have legalized medical cannabis programs. But for patients in Idaho living with chronic diseases, debilitating symptoms, and terminal illnesses, the option for medical cannabis seems distant. Patients are caught in a tug of war, with staunch oppositi Read More
Available only for residents of the District of Columbia. But in other states that have legalized medical marijuana, maybe it is not such a bad idea? Could you see local health organizations handing out a joint to thank you for getting a Covid-19 vaccination? What a concept! That's what J Read More