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Growing up, many of us experienced common ailments that often went undiagnosed. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one such condition that affects countless individuals--its presence is now more well-acknowledged but still not fully understood. In recent years, however, Read More
If you’ve ever experienced an intense pounding in your head that lasted for, say, ten minutes, you’ll agree that it was not a pleasant experience. Now imagine having that severe headache for hours on end or even days. You’ve successfully put yourself in the shoes of someone dealing Read More
Medical marijuana is one of the most regulated controlled substances across the country. Currently, cannabis is a schedule 1 drug that supposedly has no medical value. Although the federal government doesn't recognize the therapeutics of medical weed, millions of people do. Cannabis Read More
Last year, cannabis sales continued to increase exponentially. Many experts feel that the global pandemic has had an impact. With more people working from home, daytime cannabis use to mediate stress could be a factor. Relief from anxiety and depression are common psychoactive properties Read More
Ahhh.. do you feel that? Another long weekend. And unless you are working over a holiday weekend, that means some extra rays and days to enjoy hanging out with your friends and family. Especially with the right strains of cannabis. Some people travel over special holiday weekend Read More
Have you wondered what the top strains of 2020 were? You know your favorite strains. Most people are picky about the kind of cannabis they consume. After all, it’s all about psychoactive effects on your mood and energy level. So how does it make you feel after you smoke or eat your fa Read More
Now that the political news has wound down to a soft roar, what else is there to do for entertainment? Around this time last year, we were all under the impression that the Covid-19 virus was going to be gone when the nice weather arrived. Kind of like the flu, which seems to back off by Read More
If you think your Christmas tree looks amazing, try looking at it from your couch, and high after a few puffs. Some people experience synesthesia after smoking cannabis. Synesthesia happens when someone is intoxicated, and sensory perception can be combined. You may “f Read More
Meet caryophyllene, the terpene that is in almost every top-selling medical cannabis product. Terpenes are responsible for the taste and smell of cannabis flower, with tones of that range from citrus to earthy, spicy to floral or lavender, and berry scents and flavors. When the m Read More
Our brains contain billions of neurons that communicate by creating and receiving electrical impulses. During a seizure, this network goes haywire, causing abnormal movements and changes in behavior and awareness. People who have seizures must undergo medical examinations and tests to Read More