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The outlook for the right to use marijuana is bright, as the majority of both Republicans and Democrats support legalization. Traditionally, Democrats have been associated with fighting for legal marijuana, but even red states are jumping on board. For example, red-state Oklahoma recently Read More
Continued research about the efficacy of medical marijuana as a treatment option has banished many of the stigmas the plant has carried for decades. More than half of the states in the U.S. have recognized its myriad of healing properties and legalized it for medicinal purposes for several Read More
On June 18, 2018, the New York State Department of Health made an announcement that could improve the way we treat severe chronic pain. To combat the epidemic happening in their state and beyond, they added opioid use as a qualifying condition for medical marijuana. Discover what makes thi Read More
With a ballot measure approved by voters in Oklahoma on Tuesday, June 26, 2018, the state became the 30th in the nation to legalize medical marijuana. A total of 57 percent of voters were in favor of this change, which will give doctors the right to prescribe cannabis for any condition the Read More
With its abundance of medical applications, the use of medical marijuana has become a beneficial treatment for patients throughout the U.S. Many of the patients who medicate with cannabis products are veterans of the armed services, and these brave men and women have found relief from a va Read More
Many of the stigmas attached to cannabis as a gateway drug have vanquished as medical research studies continue to back marijuana as a therapeutic and viable treatment option in healing a myriad of health disorders and complications. When Pennsylvania legalized medical marijuana back in 20 Read More
The cannabis industry is continually evolving, including the medical and recreational programs that many states have established. On Tuesday, March 27, 2018, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy signed off on several expansions and changes to the state's existing medical cannabis program, according Read More
On Thursday, February 1, 2018, a six-year-old girl became the first medical marijuana patient in Texas to receive a legal home delivery of her medicine, which was grown and produced in the state. Knox Medical, a dispensary in the state, is the Texas marijuana delivery service that brought Read More
The newly elected governor of New Jersey, Phil Murphy, and his fellow Democrats introduced legislation on January 9, 2018 — the same day Murphy convened — that would legalize the recreational use of cannabis by anyone 21 or older. The new governor says he based his proposed measure par Read More
The New York State Health Commissioner, Dr. Howard Zucker, has introduced many changes to the state’s medical marijuana program that are important steps forward in the evolution of the program. If these new regulations are an accurate indication, Zucker intends to grow the medical mariju Read More