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Inhaling medical marijuana provides fast relief, so many patients prefer to smoke or vape their medication. But, between smoking and vaping, which option works better? Patients have multiple factors to keep in mind when choosing one of these methods. The misconceptions surrounding cannabis Read More
The cannabis industry is booming like never before. A few states have approved the plant for recreational use, and more than half of them have legalized medical marijuana. When you visit a local dispensary, you will see a plethora of ingestion options. Although smoking pot remains one of t Read More
Access to quality cannabis remains one of the premiere concerns within the industry — both for doctors, patients and those exploring the ever-evolving applications behind one of the world's oldest whole-plant medicines. While medical cannabis has undeniable health benefits, patients c Read More
For patients dealing with symptoms like chronic pain, using the fastest medical marijuana treatment method is crucial to their comfort. We've ranked the three most popular ingestion methods in order based on how long it takes for the effects to kick in — from fastest to slowest — and Read More
The medical marijuana industry is booming like never before. Patients have more options to choose from, and there are different varieties and strains that offer distinct effects. We also have CBD-dominant medications that allow patients to experience many of the benefits of cannabis withou Read More
As cannabis loses its stigma, the medicinal value of the plant is finally getting the attention it deserves. States across the U.S. are approving its use for medical purposes, and patients are getting the therapeutic benefits they need. As the medical marijuana industry grows, patients hav Read More
According to The Hemp Business Journal, the CBD market is projected to grow by 700%, it will garner nearly $2 billion in consumer sales by 2020. Cannabidiol also known as CBD is certainly one of the fastest growing market categories in the U.S. CBD is a naturally-occurring chemical comp Read More
Marijuana is a diverse plant. For years, patients with different disorders have been using the herb to self-medicate and alleviate many painful symptoms. Now that modern medicine is finally seeing the potential uses of cannabis, the plant has been legalized for medical purposes in many sta Read More
After considering the side effects and dependency potential of standard sleep medicine, some patients opt for medical marijuana to help them sleep. Since it has fewer dependency issues and milder side effects, cannabis helps tons of folks with their insomnia without the risks. Many of t Read More
When reading about the benefits of medical marijuana and testimonies from patients, you may have seen something about cannabis oil, or CBD oil. Like other marijuana products, cannabis oil is starting to grow in popularity as the stigma against marijuana reduces. As an informed patient, Read More