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Marijuana is a diverse plant. For years, patients with different disorders have been using the herb to self-medicate and alleviate many painful symptoms. Now that modern medicine is finally seeing the potential uses of cannabis, the plant has been legalized for medical purposes in many sta Read More
When reading about the benefits of medical marijuana and testimonies from patients, you may have seen something about cannabis oil, or CBD oil. Like other marijuana products, cannabis oil is starting to grow in popularity as the stigma against marijuana reduces. As an informed patient, Read More
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency currency lists marijuana and cannabidiol as a Schedule I drug — illegal to buy, sell and consume at the federal level. Although there is insignificant evidence indicating that cannabidiol is not psychologically or physically addicting, the likelihood of t Read More
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of 60+ chemical compounds found in marijuana that, along with tetrahydrocannabinols, or THC, gives marijuana most of its psychoactive and medicinal qualities. Different species or “strains” of marijuana contain different amounts of CBD and THC, with strains cul Read More
Cannabis provides a plethora of benefits to the body. Some compounds within the plant will not get you high but still hold great medical value to the user. In fact, some medical patients seek out CBD rich strains for their specific medical conditions. What is CBD anyway? CBD or Cannabidiol Read More