
Cannabis Topicals for Sports Injuries

Marijuana Doctors

by Marijuana Doctors

December 17, 2018 06:03 am ET Estimated Read Time: 6 Minutes
cannabis topicals for sports injuries

As the awareness surrounding marijuana and its therapeutic benefits continues to rise, healthcare professionals are much more likely to prescribe this substance to patients whenever they’re experiencing a condition or symptom that cannabis treats. While ingested, smoked and vaporized marijuana boasts an extensive list of healing properties, topical cannabis products can also provide a curative effect — especially for athletes.

If you’re an athlete — or know somebody who is — then we’re betting you’re no stranger to sports-related injuries. Almost every athlete is familiar with sprains, bruises, broken bones or general aches. Fortunately, today’s medical market offers a multitude of different remedies for these issues and discomforts.

While you may be familiar with the traditional pain-relief pills and creams readily available to treat your issue, cannabis topicals for sports injuries are rising in prominence, too. Below, we’ll delve into the perks of transdermal marijuana products for athletes and highlight why cannabis topicals may be the right choice for you.

Why Cannabis Topicals Work

The stigma surrounding medical marijuana may keep those who need it from using it to treat injuries and discomforts. If you don’t know too much about cannabis, you may be skeptical about its ability to treat sports-related injuries with success. But once you have a better understanding of how marijuana works and why it’s a useful treatment option, you may be more likely to try an alternative medication option that works for you.

Cannabis topicals are ideal for injuries because they treat localized pain and multiple other symptoms at once, which means you won’t have to fill up your medicine cabinet with various pharmaceuticals. But before you dash over to your nearest dispensary or place an order for CBD topicals online, you may want to learn more about how these products work.

First, you’ll want to have a basic understanding of how cannabis interacts with your body. Compounds known as cannabinoids are abundant in marijuana and interact with natural receptors found in our bodies. These cannabinoids send neurotransmitters to the brain that communicate with the endocannabinoid system to help the body reach a state of inner stability, also known as homeostasis. Since a healthy and functioning endocannabinoid system ensures pain and inflammation management, a patient who uses topical cannabis after an injury will enjoy greater relief.

Applying a cannabis lotion, cream, or serum to a sports injury can alleviate the pain you feel when your brain experiences pain signals. This perk — coupled with the anti-inflammatory properties of cannabis — make marijuana a treatment option worth exploring when you’re suffering from an injury.

Three Reasons Why Cannabis Topicals Are Ideal for Sports Injuries

You may be asking yourself, “Why should I use cannabis topicals when other pain-relief products are available on the market?” Below, we’ve outlined a list of the top reasons why cannabis topicals may be ideal for you.

  1. Localized Treatment

When you hurt a specific part of your body, you want to find a treatment that targets this area. But when you pop a pain-relieving pill, you’re not managing the pain associated with one specific part of your body. Instead, you’re ingesting a medication that will have an impact on your entire body, which can make it difficult to treat an injury with success.

Topical cannabis products and massages helps you focus on the area you want to treat by offering fast-acting and effective relief. Simply use a cannabis-infused cream, oil or serum to target aching bones, sprains or extensive injuries.

You’ll experience rapid relief in the area where you need it most, making it an ideal treatment option worth exploring in greater depth.

  1. Minimal Side Effects

If you’re recovering from a sports-related injury — or any other discomfort — you don’t want to add any unwanted side effects to your daily routine. Fortunately, a primary reason why patients enjoy topical cannabis is that it successfully targets pain without inducing any adverse effects.

If you use CBD oils and lotions, you’ll reap the analgesic impact you desire without undergoing any unwanted “high” feelings in the process. Since CBD doesn’t induce the same euphoric effects as THC, it’s safe to use to treat pain — amongst many other unwanted symptoms — without experiencing any psychological side effects.

  1. Long-Term Benefits

For many athletes, pain and injury are merely side effects of engaging in sports. But while an athlete may be more liable to experience injuries than non-athletes, that doesn’t mean they can’t safeguard their body against harm, either.

While you may be experiencing an injury in the present moment, you want to find a form of treatment that addresses your current pain while also reducing your risk of future harm.

Since research studies show that topical — or transdermal — cannabis offers long-lasting therapeutic benefits that reduce the likelihood of a patient experiencing arthritis and arthritic symptoms, you can use marijuana as a healing medication with preventative qualities that safeguard your body against future harm.

Cannabis Topical Options

While you can use all sorts of prescription drugs to manage the pain, inflammation and swelling associated with a sports injury, cannabis can treat your wounded area with just as much effectiveness.

But where do you start? If this will be your first time pursuing medical marijuana, you may be wondering, “What options are available to me as a patient?”

cannabis topical options

Cannabis comes in topical forms, meaning you don’t have to take any pills or smoke or vaporize your medical marijuana to find relief. Today, patients have access to a myriad of different topical cannabis medications. From creams and lotions to oils, choose the best option for your needs.

When to Choose Medical Marijuana for a Sports Injury

Are you interested in using cannabis topicals for sports injuries and wounds? If so, you’ll need to learn more about the marijuana laws in your state. Since medical and recreational use cannabis laws vary from state to state, consider using our online resources to discover the rules and regulations where you live.

The days of viewing cannabis as a gateway drug are gone as researchers, physicians and patients alike discover new and innovative ways to use this healing substance. Are you ready to experience the relief you deserve? Reach out to a trained marijuana-friendly healthcare professional in your area for more information on how you can get started today.

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