Lori Ann Reese

Mike Tyson Sets Up a ‘Knock Out’ Cannabis Resort and Brand


Celebrities do not just wake up one day and decide to jump into a cannabis business. Many A-list actors and athletes start by investing in dispensaries or licensed companies first. And, of course, behind every celebrity entrepreneurial venture is a team of advisors: financial and investm Read More

How-To Find the Right Stash Box to Store Your Cannabis


Time needed: 15 minutes. How many times have you seen an expiration date on cannabis? Sure, products like edibles may have them. They are a food source and have ingredients that can spoil over time. But what about that canister or sealed bag of flower you just bought at the dispensary? D Read More

Jay-Z Officially Launches Cannabis Brand Monogram


Photo: ktsimage | Getty Images (Canva) Single gram? Monogram? We got it.  Jay-Z is the King of cool and has been working for the past two years to develop his brand of cannabis.  Of course, because we are talking about Jay-Z, it is not just any kind of cannabis.  Top shelf woul Read More

How-To Home Grow Using Space Buckets


Time needed: 2 hours. Did you know that many people who get their medical cards are also allowed to grow at home? If the state has legalized home-growing for patients, it is a great way to save money.  What Are Space Buckets? The solution to growing cannabis at home for medical cardho Read More

How-To Get a Medical Card in Montana


In the 2020 election, many states were deciding important questions. For Montana, one of the issues for voters to review was the legalization of adult-use or recreational cannabis.  That means access to adults over the age of 21 years without a Montana medical card. Industry expe Read More

Bud and Breakfast is the Airbnb for Weed


When you want to get out of the house, but you don’t want to be around crowds? That sounds like the perfect recipe for an AirBNB weekend.  Get out of Dodge, kick back, and relax in your private luxury room, cabin, or yurt?  We’re not judging. When you have a medical card Read More

House of Representatives Passes Historic Vote to Decriminalize Cannabis


For decades, cannabis has been criminalized and, in some opinions, politically and racially weaponized in the United States. The bi-partisan “MORE Act” was introduced in 2019 with legislation to decriminalize cannabis in America federally. The Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Read More

Massachusetts Dispensaries Want Third-Party Delivery Blocked


  Accessibility to medical marijuana is always a concern for regulators. In a city where public transit is available (and multiple dispensaries), it is convenient for patients to pick-up cannabis products.  But what about patients who live in rural areas where public transpo Read More

United Nations Follows WHO: Reschedules Cannabis


Photo: Stockbyte/Photo Images Some people have likened the rescheduling of cannabis by the World Health Organization (WHO) and now the United Nations to a quantum leap forward for legalization.   In a historic vote on December 2nd, 2020, the United Nations voted to remove cannabis Read More

Scottsdale Arizona Votes to Ban Adult-Use Dispensaries


On November 3rd, voters in Arizona supported non-medical access to cannabis products in the state.  Proposition 207 made Arizona the 13th state to legalize recreational cannabis use, with the support of more than 60% of ballots on election day. Previously Arizona residents won a tigh Read More

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