
420 Dating Websites for Singles

Lori Ann Reese

by Lori Ann Reese

October 14, 2020 12:05 pm ET Estimated Read Time: 4 Minutes
420 dating, Weed dating sites, marijuana doctors

As a registered patient, you have a medical card, and you are successfully using cannabis to help with your chronic health symptoms.  No matter what age you are, if you are single, chances are you are looking to meet someone who shares your interests.  For patients, it is a little more complicated.

Individuals with chronic health conditions have to manage symptoms daily for some patients, which means coping with pain by various methods.  One of the most successful strategies for relieving inflammation and pain (as an alternative to prescription medications) is medical cannabis. 

420 dating sites, weed friendly dating sites, marijuana doctors

If you are single, you may be concerned that some of the people you meet may not understand medical cannabis. What if you fall for someone, and they are allergic to cannabis? Hey, it can happen!  Some people even hate the smell of cannabis or have misconceptions about the healing herb. That could bring your bud-ding relationship to an end if you prefer smokable medical cannabis or vapes.

All hope is not lost though 420-singletons! Did you know that there are many new specialty dating websites that connect singles that have one major thing in common?  We did a little research to find some of the best American online dating websites for people who have made medical cannabis part of their daily life.


Okay, if the name doesn’t make you smile, this 420 dating website definitely will.  Not only does the app connect you to other 420 singles, but it also has some fun cannabis lifestyle articles on the blog.  The focus is always on couples, romance, and finding that special someone to buy you Raw cones for your birthday.

Download the app on iOS or Google Play.

420 Mate

There is zero chance of anyone on this dating up misunderstanding what everyone is there for.  If you are a medical cannabis user and have had a lousy experience coupled with someone who didn’t understand your choice of therapy, this app might be an excellent place to start your search.

 weed friendly dating sites, marijuana doctors

The desktop version requires an age verification question. Do you ever wonder who clicks on “No, I am underage?”  Anyhow, this 420 dating website has a strong focus on matching people who are recreational or Adult-Use aficionados. 

The 420 Mate dating website is free. It also has a free live-chat feature, personal email, and forums.  As you are swiping through profiles, you won’t be bothered by a large number of advertisements, either, unlike other online dating websites. 

Download the app on Google Play.

Date 420 Friendly

One thing about paid dating apps is that you tend to get a better variety and quality of singles to choose from.  Free dating apps accept everyone, which’s not always a good thing when looking for someone to start a serious relationship with.

The Date 420 Friendly website costs $21 per year to be a subscriber. Not bad at all!  It is one of the newer cannabis lifestyles dating apps with a smaller subscriber base than other free apps. 

Sign up for Date 420 Friendly.


Maybe you are not looking for a romantic hook up.  If you have just moved to a new city, you may be interested in meeting like-minded friends in your area.  CannaBuzz is focused on introducing people who use medical or recreational cannabis for networking and making new acquaintances. Kind of cool, especially since meeting people when you are the new guy in town can be challenging.

420 dating sites, weed dating sites, marijuana doctors

Although CannaBuzz is ‘highly’ focused on starting new friendships, some dating features are built.  Social High has been called the “Facebook of the Cannabis Community,” and people of all ages and backgrounds connect on the platform.

Download the CannaBuzz app on Google Play.

420 Dating websites for cannabis patients are relatively new.  Legalizing medical cannabis started in 2016 for most states but did not launch until 2018 in many cases.  As more states legalize medical and adult-use cannabis, and the stigma of cannabis use continues to fade, people will be less hesitant to have their profile featured.  

Social networks like CannaBuzz are growing rapidly, and it is a valuable opportunity for cannabis patients to meet new friends.  And avoid that sometimes awkward conversation about medical cannabis use on the third date.

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