Home / Doctors Guide – Chapter 6
With just a few simple steps, you can join our network:
Your profile on MarijuanaDoctors.com makes the first impression on new patients and features your logo and practice information. Customize it to show your level of professionalism as well as give it a personality. Creating a profile is quick and easy, but spending just a few extra moments here will be very beneficial. Remember to encourage your patients to leave reviews, which will make your listing really stand out.
We have thousands of new patients who visit our site every day to submit appointment requests with physicians like you, so it is important that you check your dashboard regularly and respond as quickly as possible to any new requests.
Once you’ve confirmed the appointments in your dashboard, you are ready to start seeing patients. Remember, patients are pre-qualified on our site via our state-specific guideline. You can customize your account to administer our extended pre-qualification survey to new patients to ensure the results you want. We provide the resources you need to begin seeing patients, from personalized certification letters to legal counsel to in-depth patient manuals.
After your appointments, log in to your account to complete each patient’s post-appointment protocol, indicating whether you issued the certification, denied the certification or if the patient is a no-show. It takes just a moment, and it is imperative for us to keep our records up-to-date for verification purposes, which keeps your patients protected.
Members must actively use their accounts. It is extremely important that you log in to your “Doctor Dashboard” every day to confirm, reschedule or refuse appointments. This keeps our records up-to-date for verification purposes, providing legal protection to your patients and helping them gain access to their medicine. Members must maintain their licenses in good standing.
Members must follow state laws regarding medical cannabis. For more in-depth information about the state laws, including full text of the laws, please visit our Legal States Section.
Members must respond to appointment requests by confirming or denying within two business days. Failure to do so will result in a temporary suspension, which affects your public visibility and patient management capabilities. To reactivate your account, simply log in and complete all outstanding appointment requests and post-appointment protocols.
If you have three or more activity suspensions within thirty days, your account may be suspended indefinitely. In that case, you must call MarijuanaDoctors.com customer support. Accounts will be reinstated on a case-by-case basis.
If your billing information cannot be processed, your account will be temporarily suspended. To reactivate your account, simply contact MarijuanaDoctors.com customer support at (855) 280-1625 to update your billing information.
Members must complete each patient’s post-appointment protocol (i.e. issue the recommendation, deny the recommendation or mark the patient as a no-show). Failure to do so may result in a temporary suspension. To reactivate your account, simply log in and complete the outstanding items.
You can cancel your MarijuanaDoctors.com membership through your “Doctor Dashboard” or by contacting your Account Manager. All cancellations must be completed within thirty days of the end of your billing cycle.
Find out how you can best utilize your online portal to connect with patients by checking out our resources for new doctors.