Cannabichromenes, or CBC, are amongst the four major cannabinoids found typically in Cannabis Sativa L. It is one of the hundreds of cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Currently, CBC is understudy to identify its pharmacological properties.
According to the NCBI site, studies have indicated that Cannabichromenes are believed to have a strong anti-bacterial activity and mild to moderate anti-fungal activity. To assess the antibacterial activity, acid-fast, gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria was used. The anti-fungal activity was assessed using yeast-like fungi. The anti-inflammatory property was also evaluated, and CBC was found to be more effective than phenylbutazone.
CBC in itself is non-intoxicating and does not have any euphoria-inducing properties. CBC does not bind with CB1 Cannabinoid receptors in the brain but it does bind to other receptors in the body; those that are pain receptors like vanilloid receptor and TRPA1, transient receptor potential ankyrin. CBC is known to work synergistically with other cannabinoids rather than when used singularly.
Because it has anti-inflammatory properties, CBC is widely used in medical research, especially in studies that are focused on cancer. Researchers believe that CBC one day could be used as a chemopreventive agent.
Apart from this CBC is seen to be helpful to alleviate pain, in treatment of depression, surprisingly for acne control (maybe due to its anti-inflammatory properties). The CBC itself is structurally similar to THC, CBD, and others. The CBC is also said to be useful in collagen-induced arthritis. In studies, CBC is also known to aid neurogenesis and is also known to he helpful in migraines.