Methods of Medicating: Eating Raw Cannabis


Benefits of Consuming Raw Cannabis

Eating Raw Cannabis

Juicing leafy greens like spinach and kale for their healthy properties might not sound that amazing to you unless you’re a juicing enthusiast. But pressed vegetable juices are increasing in popularity — with consumers, nutritionists, athletes and healthcare professionals.

Have you ever considered juicing marijuana, though? What we’re talking about here is the juicing of raw cannabis, and it’s nutritionally complete and very therapeutic — not to mention, since it’s freshly harvested and not dried or cured, it won’t get you stoned.

The Benefits of Raw Marijuana

The marijuana plant’s leaves are rich in properties such as antioxidants, polyphenols and antibiotics as well as cancer-reducing and anti-inflammatory compounds known as cannabidiols. These compounds are what makes raw weed a superfood.

marijuana chemical compounds

In fact, the marijuana plant is made up of more than 400 different chemical compounds. Because of the number of acids, vitamins and essential oils in the plant, experts like Dr. William Courtney, who provides patients with raw marijuana therapeutic services in his Luxembourg clinic, call cannabis a “dietary essential.”

Marijuana is a powerfully beneficial vegetable. Even its seeds have nutritional value and contain:

  • Protein
  • Minerals (calcium, iron, etc.)
  • Fatty acids (Omegas 3,6,9 and palmitic and stearic acid)
  • Vitamins (A, B1, 2 & 3, C, and E)

The protein content in cannabis seeds contains amino acids, including those the human bodies need and can’t produce on its own. Also, a tablespoon of hemp seed can have up to 2,500 mg of omega-6 fatty acids and up to 1,000 mg of omega-3 fatty acids.

When you juice the leaves, you extract essential minerals, antioxidants and other elements as well. They include:

  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Selenium
  • Carotenoids

The marijuana plant has more abundance and variety of plant phytochemicals, which are stored in the trichome heads and leaf tissue, than just about any other species. For instance, it shares limonene with lemons, beta carotene with carrots and anthocyanins with cherries and blood oranges. Anthocyanins are a very effective analgesic even though they are non-narcotic.

raw weed

Along with its nutritional value, raw weed also contains cannabinoids (acidic form) and terpenes (essential oils in marijuana) that are responsible for most of marijuana’s therapeutic effects. And, since marijuana contains high cannabinoid acid concentrations, it’s considered to be an exceptional plant in the nutrition world, with its acids being essential for basic cell function.

Raw marijuana juice activates the endocannabinoid receptors of your brain and prompts an antioxidant release that removes damaged cells from your body. Both humans and animals have an endocannabinoid (EC) system that manages a broad range of physiological processes, such as pain sensation, memory, appetite and mood.

The EC receptors are located in your connective tissue, brain, glands, organs and immune cells in your body. Your body produces endocannabinoids naturally to stimulate all those functions. However, cannabis also stimulates your EC receptors and boosts your well-being.

According to studies, raw weed has the potential to:

  • Treat lupus and arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Treat neurodegenerative diseases due to its neuroprotective properties.
  • Help with appetite loss and nausea due to its antiemetic properties.
  • Prevent the spread of malignant cells of prostate cancer because of its anti-proliferative properties.
  • Prevent cell damage that can lead to serious illness and poor health due to it being rich in nutrients like protein and essential amino acids, omegas 3 and 6 fatty acids and antioxidants.

The U.S. federal government found in its pre-patent research that CBD was a stronger antioxidant than vitamins C or E. Since you’re able to consume CBDs in large amounts when eating raw pot, you’re also increasing the number of antioxidants you’re getting per serving.

cbd federal government

The terpenes are thought to have their health benefits as well. For instance, linalool is said to have anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

The Difference Between THC and THCA

Raw cannabis has two primary cannabinoids: tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) and Cannabidiolic acid (CBDA). The “a” represents that they’re non-psychoactive, acidic form. Your body can metabolize THCA in larger doses than THC since it’s non-psychoactive. Therefore, if you’re looking for the medicinal benefits of marijuana but don’t want to get “high,” THCA is a better option.

There hasn’t been enough research conducted on THCA to positively state how effective it is and what it treats, though. However, preliminary research is suggesting that as the industry evolves, THCA will become a big part of marijuana medicine.

The main difference between THC and THCA is that when the pot plant is growing, it isn’t psychoactive. The THC psychoactive chemical isn’t present as of yet. It’s only in its elemental or decarboxylated form (THCA). You wouldn’t receive any effect from the fresh buds of the plant. You first need to convert the THCA into THC to get the psychosomatic effect you get with marijuana.

thc from heat

It’s when THCA is heated (cooking or smoking) or curated that you get this conversion to THC. If you were to eat the plant raw, you wouldn’t get the THC. Digested weed needs to enter your bloodstream to give you that “high” feeling. Since it’s difficult for your body to break down the composition of weed, it doesn’t absorb the chemical. It just passes through your digestive tract instead.

If your body is compromised by cellular dysfunction, autoimmune disorders, cancer cells, chronic inflammation or other illnesses, consuming CBDs provides an array of health benefits. One way to get your CBDs is by juicing the buds and leaves of raw cannabis. Mix the juice of cannabis with other things such as fruits, vegetables and juice to create a healthy drink.

What Is Juicing

Because of its health benefits, juicing raw cannabis is gaining a lot of attention. Marijuana isn’t just for eating or smoking. You can now drink it as well. And, when you juice it, you’re getting a lot more of its health benefits than if you were to eat or smoke it.

drink your weed

In fact, you’re losing around 99 percent of the health benefits of marijuana when you smoke or cook it.

Many health enthusiasts and dieters have been juicing their vegetables. Juicing creates a beverage that’s rich in nutrients and easy to consume and digest. It’s convenient if you have a busy schedule, too, since it’s simple to make it and take it with you.

When you juice raw weed, you’re getting large doses of THCA and CBDA. These two cannabinoids help saturate your CB1 and CB2 receptors with cannabinoids, which benefit the natural endocannabinoid system of your body. This produces an effective two-way communication system between your cells and nerves which was not present previously. Patients with everything from nerve disorders to diabetes realize the power behind juicing raw weed.

Raw Marijuana Juicing Health Benefits

Dr. Courtney claims that juicing marijuana, a potent vegetable, is the most beneficial and healthiest ways to consume the plant. He says that many of the disorders you treat with marijuana, you can prevent by consuming raw marijuana juice regularly, and about 8,000 of his patients drink raw marijuana juice.

doctors orders

In addition to being rich in the same nutrients (iron, fiber, calcium) as leafy greens, it’s also loaded with beneficial cannabinoids exclusive to the weed plant, and juicing cannabis is an extremely potent and nutritionally-dense medicine. Ingesting raw marijuana through juicing may be beneficial for alleviating the symptoms of certain conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, as well as for for general health maintenance.

NYC Surgical Associates’ co-founder and managing director and double-board certified surgeon, Dr. David A. Greuner, said that you get the same therapeutic effects juicing raw cannabis for certain conditions as you do by smoking medical cannabis. For instance, studies show that cancer patients find relief from nausea and pain with juiced cannabis while it helps HIV patients who have difficulty eating.

Other benefits of juicing cannabis include:

1. No Psychoactive Effects

Although many people might consider having no psychoactive effects a disadvantage, there are some individuals who want the health benefits of marijuana but don’t want to get high. Since you need heat to convert the THCA into THC (psychoactive form), you still get the raw cannabis juicing health benefits but without feeling stoned.

2. Avoidance of Cannabis Smoke

Like vaporizing, juicing marijuana allows people to enjoy the benefits without being exposed to the effects of smoking it. Smoking weed can lead to discomfort in your lungs’ air passages, which can result in chronic bronchitis and other respiratory disorders.

3. Prevention of Chronic Diseases

Cannabis is often used to treat certain chronic conditions. The easiest way to add it to your diet to keep you healthy and prevent various diseases is to juice it. The cannabinoids in cannabis, as mentioned, contain high amounts of anti-inflammatory and antioxidants, making it an excellent supplement to help prevent certain diseases including:

  • Anxiety, depression, dementia and drug dependency: There’s been abundant evidence on the beneficial role that cannabis plays with these and other disorders
  • Memory: Although cannabis is often associated with memory loss, it’s the THC that’s the culprit. According to researchers, raw cannabis improves your memory due to certain cannabinoids in it
  • Multiple Sclerosis: One study revealed that endocannabinoids could help with symptoms of multiple sclerosis such as inflammation and muscle spasms
  • Stroke: The National Institute of Mental Health’s scientists found that cannabinoids block glutamate (a neurochemical) that leads to toxic oxidizing molecules forming that kills brain cells

raw weed benefits

4. Reduction of Free Radicals in Your Body

Marijuana’s rich antioxidants help your body to fight off free radicals. Juicing raw marijuana is best since smoking it reduces the potency of the antioxidants.

5. Energy Balance, Appetite and Food Intake

A study showed that cannabis helps treat obesity and other risk factors that are cardiometabolic related.

6. Sleep Induction

Another study published in the Journal of Brain Research suggested an increase of cannabinoid receptor activity in your body with raw cannabis that helps induce sleep without the THC effects.

The above isn’t an exhaustive list of all health benefits of raw marijuana, of course. Researchers believe that consuming raw weed (like juicing) can positively impact nearly all your body’s systems. And, as research on marijuana in its natural form is more widely allowed, many more benefits will show themselves.

Keep in mind that juicing raw cannabis isn’t necessarily for acute symptom relief, although some people may find immediate results. It may take you up to three days to appreciate benefits. However, sometimes it can also take longer for the effects to build, so it may take even more along the lines of four to eight weeks for you to realize the benefits.

Ways to Consume Raw Cannabis

You can enjoy all the benefits of raw cannabis by consuming it in its natural form. The best way of using this plant for its nutrients is by extracting the juice. However, you can also chew and swallow fresh, recently harvested cannabis leaves and buds, too.

raw weed consumption

One suggestion is to consume around 30g of fresh leaves each day to use it as a supplement. You can also consume the oil from hemp seeds each day, toss sprouted cannabis seeds into your salads or divide 120 to 240 ml of raw cannabis juice into five doses.

Other tips when juicing raw cannabis are:

  • Use a blender. When you are processing a big amount of leaves, using a juice extractor is recommended. Use a blender to shred buds so you reduce the loss of cannabinoids that can attach themselves to the filter of the juice extractor. To blend large quantities of cannabis leaves, use a wheat-grass juicer. This type of blender makes it easier and quicker for you to clean. In addition, you’ll recover more of what you place in the blender.
  • Freeze your weed juice. You can make ice cubes with your weed juice to prevent dilution in your drink.
  • Create the perfect smoothie. Use your favorite recipe and add in your marijuana juice.

To extend the freshness of raw cannabis before blending, store it (un-rinsed) in the freezer or refrigerator in freezer bags. Before juicing, rinse well and soak the leaves in cool water for five minutes.

The Process of Juicing Cannabis

If you’re thinking about juicing marijuana yourself at home, there are some things you should keep in mind. You don’t want to use dried weed. It won’t work. You have to have fresh, recently harvested cannabis you either grow yourself or get from your dispensary. Ask your local dispensary for recommendations.

Here’s how to juice your raw cannabis:

1. Gather Fresh Ingredients

The fresher the better, since vegetables break down soon after they’re harvested and lose their valuable enzymes. Your vegetables and cannabis need to be fresh to reap maximum benefits of your marijuana smoothie. If allowed by your state, an indoor closet or outdoor greenhouse works great to allow you to get enough marijuana for juicing regularly.

2. Choose Your Strain

Use a strain with a cannabinoid profile that’s effective as a treatment for your specific ailment or symptoms. For instance, there are certain strains of cannabinoids that are effective for treating arthritis and seizures.

Different Types of Cannabinoids (Non-Psychoactive Compounds)

The cannabis plant provides essential cannabinoids that provide the most health benefits. These include THCA, THC, CBG, CBD, CBN, CBC. Excluding THC, these cannabinoids aren’t psychoactive and provide relief without the “high.” Here’s a closer look:

  • Cannabigerol (CBG).CBG is thought to be the ‘mother’ of all other cannabinoids since enzymes can transform it from their acidic forms into CBC, CBD or THC. The CBG cannabinoid is non-psychoactive. Studies found that it stimulates new brain cell growth, even in the elderly. CBG has antifungal, antibacterial and antiproliferative properties. It stimulates bone growth, and researchers are continuing to study it for the treatment of:
  • Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA). THCA is a cannabinoid that’s most abundant in a large majority of high-THC, freshly harvested marijuana strains grown in the United States. Preliminary studies found that the anti-inflammatory properties in THCA are effective in treating arthritis and Lupus patients with severe pain that’s caused by inflammation. It also has other medical benefits including anti-emetic (anti-vomiting), neuroprotective, anti-proliferative properties.
  • Cannabidiol (CBD).The CBD cannabinoid has antipsychotic properties that researchers are still studying as an alternative treatment for psychosis, schizophrenia and anxiety. It has been proven to treat MS, Dravet syndrome and epilepsy. According to animal research, it’s been shown to act as an anticonvulsant without making seizures worse. CBD has this same anti-epileptic effects in human beings.
  • Cannabinol (CBN). CBN reduces glaucoma-related intraocular pressure, according to studies, making it a good alternative for people looking for relief without the THC psychoactive effects. It also provides pain relief to people who need it but want to stay clear headed.
  • Cannabichromene (CBC). Studies have revealed that the CBC cannabinoid has been shown to be 10 times more effective in treating stress and anxiety than CBD. It has certain beneficial properties including:
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Analgesic
    • Antifungal
    • Anti-proliferative
    • Antiviral

It also promotes bone growth and is effective with or without other cannabinoids.

Remember, THC is the only cannabinoid that will get you “high,” which is why its use isn’t mentioned here. All the other cannabinoids will provide relief without the psychoactivity.

3. Add Your Buds and Leaves

To make marijuana juice, just add in two, 2- to 4-inch buds and 15 large fan leaves into a juicer. You should see small, sticky crystals on the flowers (trichomes) that indicate the buds are ready to harvest. They’re amber colored. Avoid nuggets that have been cured already for smoking. These won’t work and will waste your pot.

4. Add in Other Vegetables

Adding in other vegetables like cucumbers, carrots or sweet potatoes with five parts vegetable juice to one-part marijuana juice might cut down on the strong weed flavor. Once mixed, you can drink it immediately or store it for up to three days. Combining one part of cannabis juice to 10 parts of carrot juice can help to reduce the bitterness associated with raw cannabis.

juicing weed

Side Effects of Cannabis Juice to Consider

There’s minimal risk to juicing marijuana. In fact, Dr. Courtney said that only one or two out of his 8,000 patients reported an allergic reaction to the raw leaves that touched their skin.

You should know that cannabis typically isn’t organic. In fact, growers often use insecticides, pesticides and other types of chemicals you don’t want to ingest. Be sure you clean your cannabis well before consuming, or try to find an organic variety. Some people have reported feeling ill after consuming raw weed due to the use of pesticides.

Users have also reported throat irritation due to the sharp hairs on cannabis. This isn’t a huge concern when juicing the plant, but it’s something to take into consideration if you wish to chew on a cannabis stem.

Additionally, like any other cultivated plant, raw marijuana may harbor an array of microbes, and some of them may be pathogenic. The risk of being exposed to pathogens from fresh, raw weed is small, but if you have a compromised immune system, you should be careful.

If you’re interested in juicing raw cannabis, you should first search for a medical marijuana dispensary or doctor, so it’s legal and prescribed.